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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Day 67- Sinful Colors in Fiji (65)

Ah Fiji, warm summer breezes, white sand, and plenty of relaxing, Well this polish is not a breeze. Its pretty in the bottle but on the nails? Not so much. It was apart of the perm collection.
Total: /10
Dry Speed:2 points- This polish is thin so it dried fast.
Price: 2 points- Supercalifragilisticexpialidociou!.
Application: 2 points- It's thin but the brush is great.
Wear: 1 point- I was able to get through my shower before it started to peel off.
Opaque: 0 Points-The pigmentation sucks for this color but it would make a great accent topper since its so shimmery!

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